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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Top Amazon Reviewer

Finally, it seemed like it took forever.  :)

You know, a lot goes into a truly good review. It is easy to write a positive review on a product that one truly believes in. You can go on and on about all the benefits. But, it is  not always easy to write a negative one. In fact, I wrote a review a few months ago that was mostly positive, but added that the product fir the leg of one of my patient's tight. That review had over 20 thumbs down.

It is odd, I wrote about the quality and how it was well made and so on. Nonetheless, just that one comment about the fit  ignited some people to drop my review. Why? 

I believe in constructive criticism. I also believe that where there is negativity, there must be something positive. Well, in most cases. Whatever happened to truth?

Moving on to something better, Amazon has been very helpful along the way -- getting returns taken care of, refunds, promotions, and the overall customer service. 

The sellers are fantastic and offer amazing products. Funny, some people ask if I get a lot of free products. Well, I would say that it is a 50/50 sort of thing. Myself, I have spent thousands to review products. Most of us do not just get a free product and immediately go give a 5 star review. It really is not like that. And we usually accept products that we are knowledgeable in and interested in, so it makes the review easy.  "Easy" meaning, we enjoy writing about products that we love. :)

Nonetheless, if we get sent a disaster of a product, we do tell. Not for the seller, but for the potential buyer.  We do this because we are buyers, as well, and hope to protect each other along the way.

I love to review products. I love to discover new and exciting things, and will never stop learning. Overall, my experience has been fantastic and have met some wonderful individuals along the way. I am grateful. :)

*On my first cup of coffee, so excuse any rambling. :p

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